


Dongguan Ten Well Industrial co., Ltd.

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Miss Gao


Power Magnetic Components

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Power Magnetic Components

Power magnetic components are magnetic devices used to process alternating current energy. They mainly include inductors, transformers, chokes, etc. These components play a role in energy storage, current limiting, voltage reduction, isolation, etc. in the circuit. Their working principle is mainly based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, that is, by changing the magnetic field to convert or control electrical energy.

  • Moiling Type Power Inductors

    Ten-well offers a wide range of SMT mounting Molding type power inductors. it is specifically designed for power converter, industrial, automotive, consumer electronic products, medical, new energy applications. our molding type power inductors feature low DCR value and high saturation current. The products design with Alloy powder or Iron powder, it is include PMF, PMG series.


  • General Purpose Power Inductors

    A power inductor, also known as a coil or a reactor, is a two-terminal passive electronic component used to store energy in the form of magnetic field. Ten-well offers a wide range of power inductors for a variety of different applications






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